I have decided to try my hand at a little backyard gardening. My friend,
Jen inspired me to grow enough vegetables to can and freeze so that I would not have to buy them through the winter. Well...we'll see. I would love to get enough but, since this is my first attempt...I will be happy with enough to make one great supper. :)
It all started with a few seeds:

These are the tomato plants I just started. I need to plant about 4 more. There's nothing better than homemade tomato sauce from homegrown tomatoes. I also LOVE tomato sandwiches in the summer time. A little mayo...a little black pepper...I am in heaven.

I planted some bell peppers in one of my raised gardens (I must pause here to give my
husband much credit for building the beds.) I love bell peppers on the grill. Yummy!

And finally...what I hope will soon be brimming with green bean bushes and a couple squash vines. I have a couple more beds, but you get the idea. How much fun is it to look at a box full of dirt, really? I will keep you updated.
You know, there is something very wonderful and fulfilling about digging in the earth to cultivate something that will eventually bare fruit for my family. If you haven't tried it before, you should give it a shot this summer. Who knows what we could grow! :)

I think I need to go make something to eat...all this veggie talk is giving me an appetite. Bye for now!