Before I had children, I had always dreamed of a little boy picking flowers in the yard, and bringing them to me, lovingly saying, "Here, Mommy! I picked these just for you." Last week my dream finally came true. Well, it wasn't exactly the picture-perfect garden I had envisioned nor the beautiful flowers that were in my dreams. Rather, it was dandelion weeds straight from my crabgrass-ridden lawn. Nonetheless, it was a "perfect moment."

Evan and Gideon found something that was beautiful to them, and their first thoughts were to share it with me. Priceless!

How wonderful to look around and realize God has done exactly the same. His thoughts toward me are so gracious that he has shared his most precious creations with me. My boys continually express the graciousness of God to me! I pray I can be this same expression to others.
It is wonderful isn't it? My boys do that often. So precious! Glad your dream came true!