Thursday, March 26, 2009


What sustains life for you? I need answers...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Faith Like a Child

These are my boys! Their smiles light up my day every time. I find the way they see the world fascinating. Today, Evan (the one on the left) was looking out our window at Mt. Rainier, and said, "Mommy, you said God tells us we can move mountains." After severe concentration, he spoke again. "Well, I guess I will just have to tell him that that mountain is broken."

Never once did Evan doubt God's promise to him. He didn't analyze himself to find out why his faith wasn't strong enough, or why God wasn't responding immediately. He simply took what was happening as evidence that sometimes things are broken, and it is out of his control to fix them. Evan's total reliance was on the God that created the mountain to "fix" it so he could accomplish what his faith was intended to do.

Oh, to have the faith of a child.

Friday, March 6, 2009

New Blog

Ok, here's my first shot at entering the blog world. Get ready for Rhonda's musings about a world made right because of the "here and now" of the Kingdom. Ready or not, here I come! :)